Carpathian Yoga Fest 2021 (September 5-10)Yoga Festival Carpathian Yoga Fest 2021 in the Carpathians has already become an annual, large-scale and expected event. The purpose of the festival is “yoga for everyone”. We want to fill our participants with joy, faith in themselves, with optimism and goodness. We want them to carry these qualities further to make the world around better.
This year (September 5-10) we are preparing for you a rich program with lectures, seminars and practical classes on two stages from leading Ukrainian and foreign masters, intertwined with entertainment, excursions and active recreation in a stunningly beautiful, clean place with huge energy potential.
Important info!
Practice Yoga and Support Ukraine!We decided to launch a new project #PracticeYogaAndSupportUkraine aimed at those who speak English, love yoga as we love it and want to help Ukraine in the struggle for democratic values and world security.
Practice yoga – support the victims of the Russian invasion!
Festival news
Latest posts from our bloghuge potential for everyone
At the Carpathian Yoga Fest 2021 you will find



The most outstanding teachers are waiting for you on the Carpathian Yoga Fest 2021the final programm already on the approval
Master classes, trainings from well-known practitionersCost
Make a choice and register nowVIII Carpathian Yoga Fest (September 5-10) will be held under the slogan: “CYF2021 – a palette of modern and traditional yoga directions from professionals!” In 2019, within the framework of the Festival you will be able to choose classes from two flows: Professional Yoga or Yoga Base.
The Professional Yoga Flow is intended for people who want to gain in-depth knowledge of yoga, to significantly accelerate their own practice, to substantially improve, to move beyond a certain point from the vision of yoga as a form of physical activity to realizing its full potential, as well as obtaining a Certificate about passing through CYF2021.
Yoga Base flow activities are for those who want to get acquainted with yoga, directions in general or certain author’s style, practice of a particular Master, to systematize separate passages of their knowledge and representations, to improve physical and mental health, to maintain the form during the festival.
In addition, EVERYBODY has access to the lectures where interesting and exciting topics from well-known speakers will be presented. Themes of lectures and master classes are the most diverse: yoga therapy, principles of healthy nutrition, ayurveda, vegetarianism, purifying, respiratory, meditative practices, etc.
Important!!! The Professional Yoga ticket does not allow access to the Yoga Base flow and vice versa. The teaching staff in the Professional Yoga and Yoga Base flows will be completely different. Masters of Professional Yoga are people who have achieved a high level of mastery, have made a huge contribution to the development of yoga not only in their country, but also far beyond its borders, have deeply studied or created a certain direction, methodology. Masters of the Yoga Base – charismatic and enthusiastic yoga teachers who are ready to help others practice yoga with pleasure, open new horizons to their students. The schedule of classes can be found in the site section of the Program. Entertaining evening program of the festival – for all participants of CYF2021.
Guests’ impressions about previous festivalsFAQ
Briefly about the importantThe festival Carpathian Yoga Fest 2021 is for both beginners and experienced practitioners. If you have just started to be interested in yoga and are afraid not to withstand physical activities during classes, then your worries are in vain.
The practice of yoga is a means for knowing your abilities and going beyond them. You will have the opportunity to learn how to breathe, relax, be flexible and control your body.
Of course! But not all the children (especially the small children) will be interested in listening to masters for a long time with adults, so, since we do not provide childcare, parents need to think about their leisure time.
The price includes:
- a program of workshops with famous masters and yoga teachers (depending on your chosen variant of visiting the Festival);
- entertainment evening show program of the festival.
Transport, food and accommodation are not included in the main fees. We also offer a tent camp for camping lovers.