Yoga Level Up!

The main thing about the conference!


2 days of the international online conference


4 classes to be saved in the record


Communication with masters of the international level

What awaits you at the conference?

At the conference, we will be able to visit 4 classes of masters of the international level. These classes are all about improving your practice. We are waiting for:

  1. Yoga and Mindfulness Class.
  2. Kundalini yoga class.
  3. Ashtanga yoga class.
  4. Yoga philosophy class.

Only until March 15, access to the conference can be purchased for only 30$! Paypal payment:

Who is waiting for you at the marathon?

Yes, already at the conference you will have the opportunity to meet the best yoga masters. You will be able to ask your questions, hear about their path, get the most valuable thing from them – knowledge. The masters with whom you will have the opportunity to meet are leading specialists. Join the conference – see those masters with whom you don’t always have the opportunity to meet in person!

Conference schedule:

Briefly about the main thing: